Book Review: Take Me On by Katie McGarry

take me on

Title: Take Me On
Author: Katie McGarry
Series: Pushing the Limits
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Date: May 27th, 2014
Pages: 544
Format: Hardcover
Source: Purchased


Synopsis (from Goodreads): Acclaimed author Katie McGarry returns with the knockout new story of two high school seniors who are about to learn what winning really means.

Champion kickboxer Haley swore she’d never set foot in the ring again after one tragic night. But then the guy she can’t stop thinking about accepts a mixed martial arts fight in her honor. Suddenly, Haley has to train West Young. All attitude, West is everything Haley promised herself she’d stay away from. Yet he won’t last five seconds in the ring without her help.

West is keeping a big secret from Haley. About who he really is. But helping her-fighting for her-is a shot at redemption. Especially since it’s his fault his family is falling apart. He can’t change the past, but maybe he can change Haley’s future.

Hayley and West have agreed to keep their relationship strictly in the ring. But as an unexpected bond forms between them and attraction mocks their best intentions, they’ll face their darkest fears and discover love is worth fighting for.



In this, fourth novel in Pushing the Limits series (that can be read as a stanalone) we follow Haley and West.
The story is written in first person, switching from Haley’s to West’s POV.

Haley‘s life is not an easy one. After her father lost his job and her family lost the roof over their heads, they moved to her uncle’s house. Living with her uncle is not easy. He has strict rules they all have to obey and he verbally abuses them on regural basis.
Some time before, Haley was a kickbox champion but then, after something terrible happened to her, something that left her with the bitter taste in her mouth, she decided to leave fighting once and for all.

West is a troublemaker. After stealing money from his sister, the money she needed badly and ended up in a car accident because of that, he can’t stop blaming himself for what happened to her.

I loved protagonists of this story. I can honestly say that Haley is now my favorite character Mcgarry created.
She is strong and smart, never gives up and even though people around her bring her down, she doesn’t allow them to change her own opinion about herself. She knows she is worth.

West we already met in Crash Into You, book three of the same series.
There, he wasn’t the guy you would root for. However, giving us the chance to look from his perspective, McGarry made us understand him and therefore I changed my opinion about him and ended up really liking him.

As for characters impressions, author didn’t stop there. From the beginig of the story (and even in previous book) she made us dislike a certain character. I honestly think some readers even hated that same character. But, as the story progressed, and more reasons behind actions showed, as well as some secrets have revealed, McGarry got us to understand that character, and to look at him not as a bad, but as a good guy.

The writting style didn’t disappoint. It was beautiful just like always, although it wasn’t poetic as it was in Dare You To.
Maybe I should stress out here that I came to conclusion that the writing style in Dare You To has more to do with it’s narrator Beth. In the end, she is the one who presented the story to us in that book.

The chemistry between main characters was captured very well, I could feel the intensity between them and I enjoyed reading how they fell for each other slowly and then how that love developed pretty fast.

Although this is a love story, it also has many famly issues and family situations.
I will even be brave enugh to call it a love story with elements of family prose.
That, family aspect of this story, I liked a lot and it made me appreciate this novel even more.

Overall, I think everyone who likes McGarry already will enjoy reading this book, but I would also recommend it to everyone who likes to read ya contemporary about love, but with the darker atmosphere in it.


#hidingReadAThon Wrap Up

As you probably already know, this Easter weekend lovely Annika from Hiding in Books hosted a read-a-thon simply called #hidingReadAThon.

Rules were pretty simple, we were our own bosses and had to read as much as we wanted to to kill some time over Easter break.

When it comes to writing, I will be the first to admit I failed badly and the only thing I wrote were tweets.
Every spare time I tried to spend reading, but I promised to myself that I will do my best to do more blog hopping and leave blog and GR comments this week.
I know I have been a pretty shitty member of blogging (and bookish in general) community lately and it is about time to change it once and for all!

But now, let’s get to my read-a-thon wrap up:

Firstly, I want to phrase my reading buddy Trunchy who rooted for me most of the time I spent reading:


Even though she was sleeping most of the time, her purring was the best music background I needed for my reading atmosphere.

I happened to finish two books from my tbr:

blogger girl my map of you

Blogger Girl was a buddy read I did on twitter (with my blogger friend Amanda from ChocolatePages, and I enjoyed discussions we had). You can expect my review for it soon.

My Map of You was maybe the best book I read this month and review for it will go live on it’s releasing day, April 21st).

I also started a new book:


The Smell of Other People’s Houses is a historical fiction. It is pretty short (240 pages). I am half way trough it and am pretty sure I’ll be finishing this one tonight. You can expect my review for it on April 7th, because that is a relesing date of the edition I got from the publisher (SPOILER ALERT: I plan to post my review on Goodreads tomorrow).


Overall, when it comes to reading I am pretty satisfied with an amount of pages I read (even though I didn’t count), I managed to finish (almost) three books.

One book I didn’t get to finish, the one called No Place To Hide, I do plan to finish before the month is over so you can expect my review for it pretty soon too.

However, I am not happy with my lacking when it comes to blog hopping and commenting, but I will correct that from tomorrow on.
I have to.

#hidingReadAThon TBR

Since I obviously live under a rock and find out about everything in a last minute or when it’s already too late, finding out about #hidingReadAThon was no acception.

However, even though I found out about it only today, I still made a decision to join in.

If maybe you’re like me, and don’t know what #hidinReadAThon is about, let me tell you:
It is hosted by lovely Annika from Hiding in Books and it is basically a Read-A-Thon that began yesterday and will last until Monday (Easter days).
You can read Annika’s post about it here.

There are no basic rules, but it is curaged to read as many books as we can and to write.
Since I am not a writer myself, I will write book reviews, blog comments, GR comments and tweets (hey, it is still writing! 😉 ).

When it comes to reading, at this very moment, I am reading three books and I hope to finish, if not all three, then at least two of them.
Here is my TBR (btw, that pink thing is my nook and I’m reading a book called My Map of You on it).


If you want to, you can also join us, because it is never too late, until it’s too late! 🙂

Bullet Book Review: Summer Nights at the Moonlight Hotel by Jane Costello

Summer Nights at Moonlight hotel

Title: Summer Nights at the Moonlight Hotel
Author: Jane Costello
Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK
Date: March 24th, 2016
Pages: 496
Format: Paperback
Source: Won in a giveaway


Synopsis (from Goodreads): ‘LEARN TO SALSA DANCE,’ the card in the shop window read. ‘Experience the red-hot vibes of Latin America right here in the Lake District. Beginners and singles welcome.’

Lauren Scott lives in ‘The most romantic place in Britain’, but her love life is about as successful as her mountain climbing skills. The man she’s obsessed over for two years has proposed to someone else – and her only solution is to save up for six months to go travelling, so she never has to set eyes on him again.

But when her friends sign her up for a dance class – in the same historic hotel where her beloved dad worked and her most precious childhood memories were formed – Lauren makes a horrifying discovery. It’s been sold to a faceless budget chain, which has depressing plans in store. Worse, the entrepreneur behind it all turns out to be among a group of guys her friend Cate roped in to join the very same salsa class they’ve signed up for….

Jane Costello’s funniest book yet – a story of love, friendship and some serious hip action . . . Get in the mood to mambo!



What you need to know about this novel:

  • Summer Nights at the Moonlight Hotel is Jane Costello’s 9th chick-lit novel.
  • It is a standalone, written in 1st person, narrated by a woman called Lauren (who was such an entertaining narrator).
  • The story is taking place in Lake District, „The most romantic place in Britain“.
  • This isn’t just a funny chick-lit that will only make you laugh and swoon. It will also make you think about life and how much effect other people’s actions can have
  • This book was my most anticipated this years’ release.
  • It is said that this novel is Costello’s funniest work so far and, although I think it was pretty funny, I think Time of Our Lives was funnier.

What you should be warned about:

  • Once you start to read this book, there’s a great chance you wouldn’t want to stop, so I suggest you to pick it when it’s weekend.
  • It might make you want to join a salsa or similar club in your area.

What I liked about this book:

  • Characters were very likeable and they weren’t all black and white, but had some butter on their heads what made them realistic.
  • Lauren’s love interest, Edwin, is not well-looking guy and in the sea of chick-lits where most guys are hot, dark and mysterious, it was a nice change
  • I loved how every character in this book had their purpose when it comes to story Even those side characters that you wouldn’t pay much attention to were in the story for a reason.
  • Reading this book was pure fun and exactly what I wanted for it to be.

What I’d change in this piece of work:

  • Nothing really, I think this novel is perfect as it is.


  • Actually, there is one thing that I would change when it comes to my paperback edition: I wish it didn’t have that sticker on it’s cover, but it is what it is!


Overall, Jane Costello proved once again why she’s my favorite author and reminded me why I like to call her my “chick-lit queen”.

If you’re looking for a book that will boost your mood and keep you entertained, with it’s smart sense of humor and it’s unforgettable characters, this novel is a perfect choice.


HOPPY EASTER Eggstravaganza Giveaway Hop

hoppy easter march

Welcome to the Lucky Leprechaun Giveaway Hop, hosted by BookHounds.

In this giveaway I am giving you a chance to win a  book of choice, up to 17 US dollars.

The giveaway is international as long as TBD ships to your country.

After you enter this giveaway, don’t forget to visit other blogs for more giveaways.


You can enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  • This giveaway is international as long as The Book Depository ships to your country.
  • You must be 18+ old to enter or have your parent’s permission to enter (because I’ll need to ask you to give me your adress so I could send the book to you).
  • I am not responsible for the shipment, but am responsible to order a book on time (The Book Depository is responsible to deliver you a book on time and in a good condition).
  • Once chosen, winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to reply, otherwise another person will be chosen as a winner
  • NO CHEATING! Cheaters will be disqualified


Good Luck! 🙂
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Wecome to our #BloggerGirl Readalong (aka Buddy Read)

blogger girl What happens when your high school nemesis becomes the shining star in a universe you pretty much saved? Book blogger Kimberly Long is about to find out. A chick lit enthusiast since the first time she read “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” Kim, with her blog, “Pastel is the New Black,” has worked tirelessly by night to keep the genre alive, and help squash the claim that “chick lit is dead” once and for all. Not bad for a woman who by day ekes out a meager living as a pretty, and pretty-much-nameless, legal secretary in a Manhattan law firm. While Kim’s day job holds no passion for her, the handsome (and shaving-challenged) associate down the hall is another story. Yet another story is that Hannah Marshak, one of her most-hated high school classmates, has now popped onto the chick lit scene with a hot new book that’s turning heads—and pages—across the land. It’s also popped into Kim’s inbox – for review. With their ten-year high school reunion drawing near, Kim’s coming close to combustion over the hype about Hannah’s book. And as everyone around her seems to be moving on and up, she begins to question whether being a “blogger girl” makes the grade in her off-line life.

spoiler vrpca

This weekend (starting Friday 25th), me and my blogger friend Amanda from ChocolatePages (who’s amazing and you should all visit her blog) are taking over the Twitter with the hashtag #BloggerGirl.

Why? Because we will be reading a chick lit novel Blogger Girl by Meredith Schorr, and you are all welcomed to join us.

The readalong will start on Friday, March 25th and will go on for four days (that means it ends on Monday, March 28th).
In other words, we decided to read 9 chapters per day.

You can all join us by using a hashtag #BloggerGirl, tagging me or Amanda in your tweets, and if there are spoilery things you’d like to discus, you can always DM me (I plan to be on my Twitter most of the time those days).

Here is the link for Amanda’s post about this Readalong if you’d like to check it out.

You can also add

me @Irena_BookDust ,
Amanda @Chocolate_Pages and
the author of this book @MeredithSchorr on Twitter.


I am so looking forward to this buddy read and I hope we’ll have a lot of fun discussing things and chatting while reading.
I hope I’ll see you there!


What do you say?
Will you be joining us this Friday?
Feel free to let me know in the comments.

Movie Monday: The Dressmaker and Before I Go to Sleep

Movie Monday is a weekly feature here on my blog, in which I’m rambling about movies I’ve watched lately.

This week I watched two movies, both based on novels.

The Dressmaker

the dressmaker

The Dressmaker is a movie based on Rosalie Ham’s novel. I never read the book, but after seeing this movie, I can imagine it is an interesting read that would be fun to try.

The movie follows a woman called Tilly who comes back in Dungatar, Australia, after being absent for years.
She doesn’t know if she’s the one to blame for the death of a boy who died when she was a little girl. Somehow, she can’t remember.

After coming back to her hometown she brings a lot  of changes to the same. This movie show us on satirical way how big people’s cruelty can be, and that sometimes there’s nothing we can do to change other people’s minds.

I think that the more I talk the furher I get from this movie, and that somehow I just can’t do it justice, so I’m going to stop now and say that both me and my aunt, with who I went and watched this film, found it to be pretty good and although we had fun while watching, we also got emotional at certain parts.


Before I Go to Sleep

before i go

Before I Go To Sleep is another movie I watched with my aunt. It is also another one we both liked, and for the matter of fact, we liked this one more then The Dressmaker.
They are totally different movies and shouldn’t be compared, but I feel like I have the right to say that Before I Go To Sleep was more intense and kept us on the edge of our seets the whole time.

It is based on novel by S.J. Watson and it follows a woman called Christine who suffers from amnesia. Every morning she wakes up thinking she is 20 years old when in reality she is 40. Every day she has to learn who she is, who her husband is and what happened to her, but every night when she sleeps, what she have learned ereases and she wakes up thinking she’s 20 years old girl.

This movie was so good! It kept me guessing who’s who, analising characters, their words and actions.
Even though I figured out all those thing before the end, I still think it was a really good movie and can imagine how appealing the book must be. I probably won’t read it now when I know everything from the movie, though.


Note: Pictures in this post are not my property but taken from IMDb site and are property of 20th Universal Pictures and Millennium Films.

Spring Reading: 10 books I want to read this Spring

Happy first day of Spring, everyone!!!

I did some blog hopping these days, and got an inspiration for this post.
I know this was a theme for TTT, but since I don’t do TTT and I still wanted to write about my Spring reads, I decided that first day of Spring would be a perfect day..

My main inspiration came from the post by Liv from curlyhairbibliophile .

Without further ado, these are 10 books I want to read this Spring:


  1. The Second Love of my Life by Victoria Walters

the second love

This book comes out on April 7th. I already read it’s short story prequel, The Summer I Met You (you can read my review here) and liked it very much, so I can’t wait to see what Walters cooked for us in her full-lenght debut.
I hear this women’s fiction story is a real tearjerker so I’ll make sure to prepare some tissues for myself.


2. The Winner’s Triology by Marie Rutkoski


I want to read this series for some time now and, since the last book is coming out soon, I figured it would be the best to just marathon the whole series. I want to do it ASAP, so that’s the reason why I’m choosing to read it this Spring.


3. The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

the raven

Another series I want to marathon. First thing that bought me as a reader is the gorgeous cover for the last book in the series (yes, I know, I am shallow like that).
Second thing is, one of my favorite booktubers, Daniella from Pixie Tonic chanel said this is the best ya series outthere at this very moment, and I trust her opinion more they anyone’s.


4. Summer Nights at the Moonlight Hotel by Jane Costello

Summer Nights at Moonlight hotel

My favorite author is coming out with her new book on March 24th. This book is the first one from this list that I’ll be reading, and I plan to do that on it’s releasing day, if TBD delivers it on time. I am too excited for this one!


5. The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead

the glittering court

Another book I plan to read on it’s releasing day, April 5th (if TBD delivers it on time, that is!). Richelle Mead is also one of my all-time favorite authors and I can’t wait to see what she prepared for us this time!


6. Warrior Witch by Danielle L. Jensen

warrior witch

My favorite on-going series is coming to an end and I can’t wait to see how it all’s going to wrap up, but am also sad to say goodbye to this world and it’s characters.
I am sure this series will be the one I’ll re-read many times in my life.


7. I heart London by Lindsey Kelk

I heart london

I am the worst reader ever, because this is my favorite chick-lit series and I still haven’t finished it.
I just HEART Angela Clark and Jenny Lopez and can’t wait to hang out with them again this Spring.


8. The Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes

girl against

I simply can’t wait for this ya contemporary to come out. It sounds like it is written for me and I hope it will live up to my expectations. This one comes out on May 17th.


9. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery


This classic is the one I want to read very soon. I never got the chance to read it in my native language, so I bought it in English. I can’t wait to see how I’ll like the book that is loved by so many people in the world.


10. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen


Once again I am the worst reader ever. This book that is loved by so many people in the world is the one that is still not on my “read” list.
I plan to change that this Spring in a hope that I’ll like it.


What books do you plan to read this Spring?
Tell me all about it in comments. 🙂

Book Review: A Summer at Sea by Katie Fforde

a summer

Title: A Summer at Sea
Author: Katie Fforde
Publisher: Penguin Random House UK, Arrow
Date: February 11th, 2016
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Source: from Publisher, for a review


Synopsis (from Goodreads)Emily is happy with her life just as it is.

She has a career as a midwife that she loves . She enjoys living on her own as a single woman. But she’s also feels it’s time for a change and a spot of some sea air.

So when her best friend Rebecca asks whether she’d like to spend the summer cooking on a ‘puffer’ boat just off the Scottish coast, she jumps at the chance.

But she barely has time to get to grips with the galley before she finds herself with a lot on her plate.

Rebecca is heavily pregnant and is thrilled to have her friend on board doing most of the work. Then there’s Emily’s competitive and jealous kitchen assistant who thinks she should be head-cook, not Emily.

And there’s Alasdair, the handsome local doctor who Emily is desperately trying not to notice.

Because if she falls in love with him, as he appears to be falling for her, will she ever want her old life back again?



I am sorry. Sorry for taking so long to read this book and sorry for taking it even longer for reviewing it.

The thing is, in the middle of my reading, I had to take a long break from this book because of one particular scene, the one decided to call – the placenta scene.
I’ll be 100% honest with you – if I didn’t read a review copy, I would DNF it and then donate it.
But, I had an eARC, I think it was only fair of me to read the whole book so I could write a decent review.

I’d be lying if I told you my expectations for this novel weren’t high.
Katie Fforde is a pretty popular author, this is her (if I’m not mistaking) 15th novel and she writes books in my favorite genre – women’s fiction.

Still, what I got from this story was not what I wanted.

The writing style was detailed, I even dare to say it was too detailed for my taste. It felt like the author wrote about certain, unnecessarily things and created some scenes just to make this novel longer, when in reality it could have been at least 70 pages shorter.

Yet, some things that would be interesting to read about weren’t in the story.
For example, when Emily comes to puffer, to work in the kitchen, we meet a young girl who’s name I forgot. She seems like an interesting character with some trouble in her life, but we never get the chance to know more about her.

For the matter of fact, we didn’t get any scenes from kitchen (and even if we did, they were so dull that I forgot about them).
Emily could have been working on any possible position, it wouldn’t make difference, because the only thing we got to read about is her hanging out with puffer owners, her love interest and his child (and one customer).

The story wasn’t interesting enough and I didn’t care about the characters, but the setting was good.

I had two main problems with this book:

  1. The writing style, as I said was too detailed for my taste, but one particular scene was just too much for me – Ladies and Getelments, I now present you, the PLACENTA SCENE.Let me warn you immediately, this is going to be spoilery for your own good.

    spoiler vrpca

    Spoiler Alert!!!

    Our main character is a midwife. That means, she’s helping women deliver their babies.
    We all know that after a woman pushes baby out of her vagina, there has to be placenta somewhere, right?
    d we have all seen movies with baby birth in them, but not one movie shows you a woman pushing her placenta out of her body. And there’s a good reason for that!

    We know about placenta, but please, don’t ruin my reading experience with writing (in a very detailed way) about delivering placenta. Please, don’t do it!
    We just read about beautiful baby coming to life, and then, it was all ruined with the placenta scene.

    spoiler vrpca
    I will remember that scene for the rest of my life, probably, and that is NOT something I want to remember!
    After that scene, I needed a 2-3 weeks break from this book.


  1. It felt like the author wanted to make us think what she though was right.
    I understand that sometimes author’s beliefs blend on pages, but when (almost) every single character tells the same thing (that a woman will want to be a mother one day and it is better for her to work on her motherhood soon), is what I call „pushing readers to think what author thinks is right“ and I DON’T nor ever will approve that kind way of putting your message out there.


Overall, I know some people like this kind of writing style, but I am not one of those people, and I don’t think  I’ll read this author again.


Waiting on Wendesday (#8): P.S. I Like You by Kasie West


Waiting on Wendesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases we can’t wait to read.

This week I am eagerly anticipating:

p.s. i like you

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West

Publisher: Point

Publication Date: July 26th, 2016

Summary (from Goodreads):

What if the person you were falling for was a total mystery?

While Lily is spacing out in Chemistry one day, she picks up her pencil and scribbles a line from one of her favorite songs on the desk. The next day, someone else has written back to her on the desk! Soon enough Lily and the mystery student are exchanging notes, and lyrics, and even sharing secrets. When Lily finds out that her anonymous pen pal is a guy, she’s flustered — and kind of feels like she’s falling for him. She and her best friend set out to unravel the identity of the letter writer — but when the truth is revealed, the guy is the LAST person Lily could have ever imagined it to be. Now that Lily knows the truth, can she untangle her feelings and gather the courage to listen to her heart?

From beloved author Kasie West (The Distance Between Us) comes an utterly charming story about mixed messages, missed connections, and the magic of good old-fashioned secret admirer notes.

Why am I waiting?

If you know me for some time now, you know that I often like to say that Kasie West is my ya contemporary queen.
I read all of her contemporary books so far and loved every single one of them.
Her books always put me in great mood, I love to reread them and I can’t get enough of her writing.
She also creates awesome characters that I want to befriend with.

Overall, when it comes to this genre, I can’t imagine anyone doing it better then West.

I just can’t wait to see what she cooked for us in her new novel.
I just KNOW I’ll devour this story!

Author Website * Amazon UK * Amazon US * Goodreads * The Book Depository