Let’s talk: I am pregnant! #Pregnancy #LifeStyle #Bloggers #MummyBloggers


There is something I want to talk about for some time now, but I kept putting it off because of, to me, valid reason.

I am pregnant!

I am so happy about it. It was planned, but not expected, if it makes any sense.
In other words, me and my fiance really wanted to be parents, but as I come from a family where infertility is big issue, I didn’t want to have high expectations, to avoid disappointment.

Right now I am 19 weeks pregnant, and the reason why I didn’t announce it sooner is because I have been diagnosed with high risk of miscarriage.

It was not easy to deal with all the symptoms, but that is another theme, and I don’t want to spoil this happy post with it.

My diagnoses are also the reason why I don’t go to work anymore (I’m safekeeping my baby) and why there were no other posts then reviews on my blog for the couple of months now.
When all you have to do is rest and can’t go anywhere near children (a theme for another post) there’s not much to do then read and watch movies.
I also can’t travel or go to places I planned to visit and write about them in my lifestyle posts.

However, now when I announced my big news, there will be some lifestyle posts about my pregnancy here on my blog (and other things that come to my mind).
I understand it is not something that interests everyone, so I completely understand if you want to skip them, but it is something I do want to express my feelings about.

I still don’t know the gender of the baby, but as soon as I find out, I will announce it here, on my blog.

I am so excited about this new chapter of my life and am looking forward to see what our future will look like.

Background photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com

Let’s talk: I am branching out #LifeStyle #Bloggers #RealTalk #BookBloggers

freepik girl in the woods picture branching out

For the last couple of months I’ve been thinking about my blog and the content I am putting out there.
It has been over three years since I launched Book Dust Magic, and as it happens in life, my interests have expand.

When I started, books were my everything. I could talk about them 24/7 and they were the only non-living thing that I truly cared for.

Although books are still my number one love, there are so many other things I now feel passionate about, but also so many new things I’d like to try, so this is why I decided to rebrand Book Dust Magic into a lifestyle blog.
Calling it book/lifestyle blog would be more appropriate.

There will still be plenty of book posts here, but I decided to add different kind of content too.
There will be one article about something other then books or movies every week, and here I plan to talk about my travelling experience, review different brands, talk about skin care, mental illness, self care, fitness…

Last year I wrote about my trip to Albania  and in all honesty, I wrote it to make a memory, but I really enjoyed writing that content.
Because of that, I decided to write another travelling post, this time about my time in Budapest.
Sometime around Christmas time I decided to show you what LUSH products I bought myself for Christmas time and that post was so well received that it truly surprised me. It is now my most viewed post, and almost everyday at least one person stumbles upon it, even though Christmas is way behind us.

This year I also had an opportunity to write sponsored post about computer program I use anyway, PDFelement, and the whole experience made me feel really good about myself, but it also opened my eyes.

I realized I like writing different kinds of content, and I don’t want to limit myself to only bookish ones.
Truth be told, my non bookish posts were more accepted and viewed then any of my book reviews, even though I put my heart and soul into them.

I am not going to stop reviewing books. I do it for myself and this is why I’m still keeping up with it (even though book blogging with all the drama and other things left a bad taste in my mouth).

I am still a book blogger, because books are my number one love, but I want to talk about my other loves too, and also write about my experience considering life and things I come across with, to make a memory for myself, and then for others who want to read about them.

Tree photo created by tirachardz – www.freepik.com