Falsley described: The Day We Met by Roxie Cooper (Book Review) #BookReview #GeneralFiction #TheDayWeMet #BookBloggers

The day we met by roxie cooper cover

Title: The Day We Met
Author: Roxie Cooper
Publisher: Ebury Press, Penguin
Date: March 7th, 2019
Pages: 464
Format: Physical ARC
Source: from Publisher for a review



Warning: This review contains spoilers

Warning no2: This book talks about cheating!!

There is a reason why I told myself multiple times I have to write my reviews as soon as I finish a book.
I read this book during Valentine’s Day (and was nervous because I expected an epic romance and got a cat in the bag!), so I have to warn you that this review will be all over the place, because it has been a month since I finished it.
I will try to keep it short, and the only excuse I have is that I wasn’t ready to articulate my thoughts, after so much disappointment this book brought into my reading life.

The Day We Met was presented as a love story between two people who were meant to be together, but they have to find the way to be with each other.

Let me tell you stories about destined lovers who have to find their way and courage to be with each other are my absolutely favorite.
I love stories in which it takes time for love to find happiness, so because of that The Day We Met was my most anticipated novel of 2019.
I expected to be similar to One Day in December, but instead of that we got a story about two cheaters we should root for.

I don’t mind cheating in my stories, I think it is one big part of the world we live in, but this time it was too much even for me.
I couldn’t morally agree with our main characters, and the fact they were too weak to grow a spine, so they made fools of their partners for 10 years with cheating and daydreaming about each other.
And the worst thing? It could have all been avoided, because when they met Stephanie wasn’t even married!

Talking about main characters, I really, REALLY didn’t like Stephanie. She is that type of girl who is actually a snake in lamb’s clothes. She is selfish cheater who thinks of herself as a victim who needs protection.
Jamie was a whole nother story!

The only good thing about this book was the writing style. It was almost perfect, read so fast and it is the reason why I would want to read another book by Roxie Cooper.

The end was, in lack of better description, Nicholas Sparks going bad.
You know how his stories usually take dramatic turn… Well, this one took that turn and run over bridge.
It made me question if I’m a bad person, because I didn’t care for that “heartbreaking” thing that happened. I wasn’t sorry. There, I said it!

And speaking of the end, the very end was unrealistic and just plain stupid. There is just no way Stephanie’s husband would allow it!

Overall, since so many people find this book to be amazing, if you thought about reading just give it a try, but I can’t say I recommend it.

book review rating 2,75 hearts

7 thoughts on “Falsley described: The Day We Met by Roxie Cooper (Book Review) #BookReview #GeneralFiction #TheDayWeMet #BookBloggers”

  1. It really does sound disappointing. I’m all up for stories where characters have to work to understand their feelings and the other person’s, as well as think about what they really want, fight for their relationship, etc. Real life things and problems, right? but sometimes characters just do things you cannot agree with, and… Romance really isn’t the genre for unlikable protagonists! 10 years of cheating, especially under these circumstances you mention… why?? No wonder it didn’t work for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your description of ‘A snake in a lamb’s clothing ‘. You made me smile.
    It’s a shame you didn’t enjoy the book much. It it’s a curse we book bloggers must put up with to appreciate the really brilliant ones.
    Amanda xx

    Liked by 1 person

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